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Countdown to Christmas by Hallmark Channel

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sugarland - Stuck Like Glue

This song is so true for any couple. I did not think I would ever find anyone that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I am so thankful for asking him out. You see he said he liked me from when he first meet me. He could never get up the nerve to ask me out. (Why are men so shy?) I got a crush on him at camp and got up the nerve to ask him out later in the year of 2009. My sister got married June 2010 and now some wonder it will happen to us. It takes more time for those with disabilities then it did for my sister. They dated for a year or less. I have a friend that dated his girlfriend for ten years or so before it happened. Yes I am six years older them him. And, sometimes would like it to go faster but I know it does not work that way. Anything takes time to get to where you want to be. I just got to enjoy what we have together and see what the outcome is.

I am just stuck in my past. Kids making fun of me made me hide my feelings. I am just use to running away from my feeling and problems. I don't want to do that anymore. I just want to find out what true love is.

Chronicles of Narnia

Book 1 The Magician’s Nephew

Book 2 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Book 3 The Horse and His Boy

Book 4 Prince Caspian

Book 5 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Book 6 The Silver Chair

Book 7 The Last Battle


Jennifer Hoover (Special Olympics Athlete and Advocate)